Getting Over It
Getting Over It



Getting Over It
Getting Over It


  • Platform: Android/iOS

  • Version: 1.9.6

  • Updated: May 25, 2023

  • Size: 135.27MB

  • Category: Adventure,Action

  • Price: --


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a challenging indie game developed by Bennett Foddy. The game was released in 2017 and has gained popularity for its difficulty, unique gameplay mechanics, and the philosophical insights it offers to players. In Getting Over It, players control a man named Diogenes, who is trapped in a cauldron and armed only with a large hammer. The objective of the game is seemingly simple: climb to the top of a treacherous mountain using the hammer as the primary means of movement. However, the game's physics-based controls and intentionally difficult mechanics make it a challenging and frustrating experience. The hammer serves as the player's only tool to push, pull, and swing around various objects in the environment. Players must carefully maneuver the hammer to reach ledges, avoid obstacles, and make progress up the mountain. The game's minimalist art style and soothing narration by Bennett Foddy add to the unique experience. Innovative Physics-Based Gameplay: Getting Over It challenges players with unconventional and physics-based controls, requiring precision and patience to navigate the treacherous terrain. Difficulty and Frustration: The intentionally challenging nature of the game can lead to moments of frustration, testing the player's determination to persevere. Minimalist Art Style: The game features a simple and minimalist art style, focusing players' attention on the mechanics and the climbing experience. Philosophical Narration: Throughout the game, Bennett Foddy's narration provides philosophical insights, encouraging players to reflect on the nature of struggle, perseverance, and the human condition. The gameplay of Getting Over It revolves around mastering the hammer's movement and using it to navigate the obstacles and ledges on the mountain. Here are some strategies to approach the game: Patience and Perseverance: Getting Over It is designed to be challenging, and players will likely face setbacks and frustrating moments. Maintaining patience and a determined mindset is key to progressing. Precise Movements: Players must learn to control the hammer's movements precisely. Small adjustments and careful swings are essential to avoid falling back to lower points. Use Momentum: Mastering the physics of the hammer's swings allows players to gain momentum and make more significant leaps. Learn from Mistakes: Each fall or setback is an opportunity to learn and improve. Analyze mistakes and use that knowledge to plan better strategies. Breaks and Relaxation: The game's difficulty can be mentally taxing. Taking short breaks to relax and refocus can help maintain a clearer mindset. Enjoy the Journey: Embrace the philosophical aspects of the game. Getting Over It is not just about reaching the top of the mountain but the experience and lessons learned during the climb. Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy offers a unique and challenging gaming experience that encourages players to confront frustration and test their perseverance. The game's unconventional controls, combined with philosophical narration, provide players with a thought-provoking journey that extends beyond just climbing a virtual mountain.


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